Saturday, March 14, 2009

Looking for thoughtful, articulate, kind, principled vegetarians to write celebrative songs about the joy of living by vegan values!

1 comment:

Joyful in Hawaii said...

Dear Friend,
I am a mostly vegan woman living in Hawaii doing various social change projects, mostly producing educational videos. I had a TV series called "Tasty and Meatless" here in the islands for five years, please see my website below. I also am involved in a FireTribe community that celebrates the solstices and equinox with chant and drum and dance. Since we are the modern bards of peace and love singing, I too have been longing for more chants directly related to being vegan. ALthough I have not yet written any myself, I am very interested in this creation and would like to stay intouch with you and any who respond to the call to write songs of this nature. The closest I have some so far is a few chants I found that celebrates critters (animals) and of course there are many peace songs about tolerance and love for all beings. However at many of these types of gatherings sometimes meat is served so I think there needs to be a more direct point made in the lyrics. Please stay in touch and let us share ideas and inspire others to create songs of this nature. I am a media producer and am willing to help someone make a music video (or at least a music slide show) with the soundtrack being the new song that will be born from this call to action.
Much aloha from Joy Waters